Courtney Stephen

Top Books


The 5 AM Club

Life is short. Squeeze everything you can out of every day you get.

Millionaire Teacher

Master your money mindset. Take control of your financial future.


Top performers share one thing - a winner’s mentality.

Deep Work

True expertise is rare and valuable. Get paid for what you do best.


Personal Mastery

If read at the right time, these books can help to accelerate your growth as a person. Each of them has brought me tremendous value at various stages in my life. Many of them I revisit regularly because their wisdom helps strengthen my best habits and refocus my energy.

Hopefully, these titles will help you as much as they have helped me.

Own The Day, Own Your Life

Topic: Bio-Hacking

The 5 AM Club

Topic: Optimizing Your Time, Energy, & Ability to Produce

The Four Agreements

Topic: Happiness


Topic: Perseverance


Money Mindset

Money is major focus for a lot of us. How to make it, multiply it, protect it, and spend it intelligently. These books have taken my financial IQ to new heights. There are no secrets to success with money. The information is out there if you look for it.

Hopefully, these books can help you plan your path to financial independence.

Quit Like a Millionaire

Topic: Personal Finance - FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early)

The Automatic Millionaire

Topic: Personal Finance - Systems to Save & Invest for Retirement

Building Wealth One House at a Time

Topic: Real Estate Investing

The Millionaire Real Estate Investor

Topic: Real Estate Investing

The E-Myth Revisited

Topic: Small Business Operations

The Total Money Makeover

Topic: Financial Security & Debt Elimination

Athlete Mentality

In over 20 years of competitive sports (including 7 years as a pro) I’ve found that there is no competitive advantage quite like a razor sharp focus building and trusting your skills. I tap into the teachings of these great mentors on a regular basis to make sure that my mind is sharp and my body ready to perform.

Mind Gym

Topic: Visualization & Sports Psychology

Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success

Topic: Leadership

The Supple Leopard

Topic: Health & Physical Fitness

Career Capital

In today’s economy, your skillset is your passport to new opportunities. These books have helped me expand my ability to solve problems and deliver results in a professional setting.


Topic: Closing Sales

Selling to Big Companies

Topic: Enterprise Prospecting

Building a Story Brand

Topic: Brand Design